Shopping Local... - Southern Blessed Shop

Shopping Local...

Shopping local versus big corporations..

We all know the convenience shopping at big corporation stores can be. Get your grocery shopping done while clothes shopping or gift shopping.  However, next time you head out to shop stop and think of your local stores. Local shops have so many perks to shopping at them. 

Perks being:

1. You help support local businesses

This is one of the most important reasons to shop local. Independent businesses and charities have been hit hard by the pandemic. As a result, many enterprises have struggled to keep afloat or find new ways to service customers and support causes. Buying from a local business or charity shop, whether from a market stall, an actual shop or an online shop, is a great way to support them both financially and figuratively by showing you love what they do. This means they’ll be able to continue doing the great work that they do.

2. It helps create demand for local jobs

In addition to investing in your community, you can also help improve employment rates within the area by using local shops. Local businesses often provide a large number of jobs to communities, and, in some cases, can even be someone’s first workplace to help kick-start their career. As the business grows, so too will the employment opportunities and local economy.

3. You’re likely to find quality products

Local shops and businesses may not always be able to compete with larger chain stores and brands in terms of advertising. However, unlike larger stores that have to stock many products, local businesses are more likely to focus on the quality of the things they sell rather than the quantity. Our range of products are made to the highest quality, so you know that you and your loved ones are receiving something premium, special and made to last.

4. Items and food are more likely to be sustainably sourced

Unfortunately, high demand for resources and global warming have had a profound effect on the world. But if we want the same products to be around for future generations, we need to think more ethically in our day-to-day life. Regardless of whether you’re looking for something for kids, gifts for the home or food and drink items, sustainability goes a long way. Many local shops pride themselves on sourcing food and products using more responsible practices. We’re no different, ensuring our cards and gifts are responsibly sourced and come from sustainable suppliers.

5. There’s more chance of finding the weird, wonderful and quirky

Big brands usually follow a pattern of selling mass-created, trending seasonal products, whereas local and independent shops stock items that are traditionally made more locally and not available anywhere else. Whether it’s the pattern, design or the flavours of the product, its uniqueness means there is very little chance you’ll find it elsewhere. 

6. Customer Service Is Better.

Local businesses often hire people with more specific product expertise for better customer service. You are also going to see these people around town and they are less likely to blow you off or be rude becauses they have to face you day after day.

7.Support The American Dream

The American dream is the theory in which equality of opportunity should be made available to any American, allowing them to achieve their highest individual aspirations and goals. Small-business owners not only believe in this dream but have actively pursued it. By supporting small businesses and shopping small, you’re supporting real, genuine people who have put their passion ahead of convenience and whole-heartedly believe in the business they are running.

8. You are more than a dollar sign

Small businesses do not see a customer as a dollar sign. They see customers as a friend or family that they want to make happy and smile when they leave that store. Small businesses want to leave the imprint of a place that you feel welcome and want to go back to even if it is just to drop in and say hey. 


So next time you head out to get groceries, find that new outfit or look for that perfect birthday gift, take a second and plan where you want to go other than a big corporation. 

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1 comment

So proud of the professional way you both have started your company. A class act for sure with wonderful merchandise.

Priscilla Dellinger

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